Giving Tuesday 2023

It’s Giving Tuesday, and everyone is asking for cash.

We’re not.

The weather is getting colder. Groceries are getting more expensive. Not everyone has a place to stay or food on their table. Other organizations are doing so much in our community to address these basic, vital needs.

So this Tuesday, please donate to:

What about Silk Moth? We want your friends.

What we want, more than cold, hard, cash, is to get the word out. We are unspeakably proud of the work we did this season. We’re not sure what ya’ll expected, but we know for sure we exceeded your expectations.

We just wish more people had seen these incredible shows! We had one sold-out audience. We’d like to have that many faces around the fire every night.

So send us your friends.

This is a trickier kind of impact to measure than dollars in the bank, so please let us know how you sent your people our way. You can email us at or hit our DMs @silkMothStage on Instagram or Facebook.

Help us out by:

  • Telling a friend about a show you saw last season (or in 2022!)
  • Inviting someone to join our mailing list
  • Posting a picture from a show on your social media (tag us @silkMothStage!)
  • Convincing a friend to follow us on Instagram or Facebook
  • Encouraging an artist to connect with us for future opportunities
  • Making a date with a friend to see a show next year—we’ll be announcing our season soon (The theme is time travel. More details to come)
  • Even better, get a group together—groups of 10 or more get a special discount

In return, we’d like to introduce you to our friends

These are theaters that inspire us, or where we have had the good fortune to work. If you live near them, check them out!

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