Great Community Give 2024

Harrisonburg and Rockingham nonprofits are working together to raise two million dollars on April 17, 2024. This is the kind of thing where we all are rising together, and that is 100% what Silk Moth Stage loves.

Great Community Give is a project of the The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. It organizes and brings together sponsors and nonprofits for a day of fundraising and fun. We love how collaborative it is! Last year, in our first GCG, we raised $2500 from 29 unique donors. That was awesome!

This year, we have a big, audacious goal: We want to win MOST DONORS in our size category (small). And look, we love collaboration more than most. We’re here to cheer for all of the amazing nonprofits in our community. Y’all are what make this a truly incredible place to live (well, + also the restaurants and food trucks). But we are in it to win it.

Go check out all the amazing nonprofits that are doing this year’s GCG! We love that they are here. We hope they raise a ton of money. But then come back to our page and give us $7. Help us hit that MOST DONORS goal!

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