Underneath the Lintel: Dramaturgical Resources

Underneath the Lintel is a play that, in Diana’s words, “contains the whole universe.” In its hundreds of productions, it has been accused of being anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, pro-Zionist, pro-Christian, and … just weird. We believe that all of these readings are fundamentally too simplistic for what this play is. If it’s pro anything, it’s pro-human.Continue reading “Underneath the Lintel: Dramaturgical Resources”

Underneath the Lintel: Afterword

The printed edition of the play contains this afterward, which answers many questions people might have about the show. We’re sharing it here to facilitate reflection, as Mr. Berger will not be able to join us for the performances. Warning: this contains spoilers about the show. AFTERWORD A spot of grocery shopping, a few diapersContinue reading “Underneath the Lintel: Afterword”

Great Community Give 2024

Harrisonburg and Rockingham nonprofits are working together to raise two million dollars on April 17, 2024. This is the kind of thing where we all are rising together, and that is 100% what Silk Moth Stage loves. Great Community Give is a project of the The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. It organizesContinue reading “Great Community Give 2024”

Giving Tuesday 2023

It’s Giving Tuesday, and everyone is asking for cash. We’re not. The weather is getting colder. Groceries are getting more expensive. Not everyone has a place to stay or food on their table. Other organizations are doing so much in our community to address these basic, vital needs. So this Tuesday, please donate to: WhatContinue reading “Giving Tuesday 2023”